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History of Bulgaria part 19

Something else also amazed Ibn Fadlan during his Volga mission: the fact that the Bulgarian ruler rode alone on horseback without guards around the marketplaces of the capital and that the citizens showed their...

History of Bulgaria part 18

Emerging from the tyranny of the Ottoman Empire, the Bulgarians rejoiced in their new freedom and protected it in battles and wars. They lived through the turmoil of their new history and knew that...

History of Bulgaria part 17

“Those same Bulgarians completely destroyed the Avars. Krum asked the Avar prisoners of war, “What do you think your leader and your whole people died from?” In addition, they replied, “Because the mutual cursing...

History of Bulgaria part 16

On a mission to explain the principles of the Muslim religion and jurisprudence to the new Bulgarian Muslims on the Volga. Here are some of the legal practices of the Volga Bulgarians, which the...

History of Bulgaria part 15

An intensive process of borrowing from other languages into the common Bulgarian`s vocabulary is observed during the Ottoman rule. Some of the borrowings are the logical consequence of the social economic conditions and the...

History of Bulgaria part 14

Until the adoption of Islam and the implementation of the Arab alphabet in Volga Bulgaria, the people used the runic script. The existence of such a script among the Bulgarians in the 8-9 centuries...

History of Bulgaria part 13

Bulgarian is the only language in the Slavonic group, which forms the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives, of some nouns and verbs with the particles “po” and “nai” .Bulgarian is the only...

History of Bulgaria part 12

The situation in Central and Western Europe, where Latin stayed in the church, science and state offices but where, in all other domains, it was replaced by the evolving national languages, was comparable. Thus...

History of Bulgaria part 11

Yet, in the second half of the 11th century, one can see clearly the differences between the “old” Bulgarians and the “new” ones, who had emerged under the powerful pressure of Christianity and the...

History of Bulgaria part 10

Linguistic material collected in recent decades undermines the thesis that the ancient Bulgarians belong to the Turkic Altaic language group. The vocabulary and grammatical structure, with parallels in the East Iranian relic languages, anthroponomy...

Portraits of Van

