Second Battle with Heresy part 19
VII One Ubus, brother of the King of France, and as proud as Novatus of his nobility, riches and power, when on the point...
Second Battle with Heresy part 18
As they journeyed neither in ranks nor in squadrons, they fell foul of the Turkish ambuscades near the river Dracon and perished miserably. And...
Second Battle with Heresy part 17
And Bohemund disturbed the minds of many nobler men by thus cherishing his old grudge against the Emperor. Meanwhile Peter, after he had delivered...
Second Battle with Heresy part 16
It is nothing but a slave, nay triply enslaved, to the ills wrought by Aphrodite. For this reason they worship and adore Astarte and...
Second Battle with Heresy part 15
And indeed the actual facts were far greater and more terrible than rumour made them. For the whole of the West and all the...
Second Battle with Heresy part 14
With what intent they could not say; but to the Emperor Alexius it seemed that the former Emperor had wished to divert the water...
Second Battle with Heresy part 13
Then the Emperor divided his armyand sent the light-armed troops on ahead and himself rode in rapid pursuit ofthe Comans who were in mad...
Second Battle with Heresy part 12
So much for this. Afterwards the Emperor joyfully collected his troops and returned to the aforementioned little Nicaea. There he halted for two days,...
Second Battle with Heresy part 11
Meanwhile the Emperor, still at Anchialus, heard that the Comans were dispersed for foraging purposes over the adjacent territories, so moved away and occupied...
Second Battle with Heresy part 10
Diogenes received him well and enquired what he must do to accomplish his object; to this the other replied, ” Do you see this...