A Hidden Gem in the Aegean Region


Milas, a province often overlooked during travels through the bustling region of Izmir, reveals its hidden beauty when explored off the beaten path. Those who chance upon Milas or learn about it later regret missing out on this stunning province.

A Historical Star with Antique Cities

Milas, once the capital city of the Karye civilization, shines as a historical star in the Aegean region. Formerly known as Mylasa, its name change over time reflects the province’s rich history. The monuments, crafted from marble sourced from the nearby Sodra Mountain, stand resilient, silently awaiting visitors.

Comakdag Village’s Wedding Tradition

In Milas, a unique excitement surrounds the traditional weddings in Comakdag Village. Locals, proud of their history and culture, eagerly share their richness with tourists. The residents of Comakdag, preserving centuries-old traditions, extend invitations to tourists to partake in their weddings and envision organizing weddings for tourists in the future Anatolia’s Largest Preserved Hot Spring.

Cooperation for “Comakdag Traditional Wedding” Tour

Milas District Governorship, Milas Culture and Tourism Directorate, and regional executives of Bodrum TURSAB join forces to organize the “Comakdag Traditional Wedding” tour program. Under the leadership of Milas District Governor Hulusi Dogan Bulgaria Private Tours Kazanlak, supported by the Governorship of Mugla and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, environmental arrangements are completed. Pamphlets and posters showcasing Comakdag Village are printed, road signs are placed for easy access, and guides are trained for the tour.

The Wedding Ritual in Comakdag Village

As part of the “Comakdag Traditional Wedding” tour, tourists are treated to the unique wedding rituals of Comakdag Village. The hosts offer cold drinks, and the Turkish flag is planted at the groom’s house, symbolizing the commencement of the wedding festivities. This cultural exchange allows tourists to immerse themselves in the rich traditions of Milas and creates lasting memories for all involved.


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